pISSN: 2671-4639
eISSN: 2671-4663
Morphological patterns in non-FBC and FBC treated frozen-thawed porcine blastocysts. Fresh blastocysts derived from IVF (A∼D) and frozen-thawed porcine blastocysts at 0 h culture (A1∼D1). Non-FBC frozen-thawed porcine blastocysts cultured with PZM-BSA for 24 h (A2) and culture with PZM-BSA+10% FBS (B2). Morphological patterns in FBC treated frozen-thawed porcine blastocysts after 24 h cultured with PZM-BSA (C2) and cultured with PZM-BSA+10% FBS (D2). Scale bars=50 μm.