pISSN: 2671-4639
eISSN: 2671-4663
Performance test after 30 months of raise of calves* obtained from ovum pick-up from a giant cow with the aid of
Calf number | Total body weight (kg) | Carcass weight (kg) | Back fat thickness (mm) | Sirloin cross-sectional extent (cm2) | Intra-muscular fat index |
Marbling score |
1 | 999 | 611 | 25 | 107 | 7 | 1++ |
2 | 1,003 | 614 | 16 | 111 | 8 | 1++ |
3 | 1,016 | 621 | 14 | 115 | 9 | 1++ |
Average | 1,006 | 615.3 | 18.3 | 111 | 8 | All 1++ |
National average |
697.6 | 467.0 | 14.7 | 109.3 | 7.1 | Only 22.2% of ox rated as 1++ |
*Castration at the age of 7 months.
**7 (16-17%), 8 (17-19%), 9 (19% and over).
***Castrated (total body weight 500 kg and over): Korea Institute for Animal Products Quality Evaluation (KAPE, 2024).