Journal of Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology 2024; 39(2): 81-87
Published online June 30, 2024
Copyright © The Korean Society of Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology.
Min Seok Woo1 , Eun-Jin Kim1
, Dong Kun Lee1,2
, Chung Eun Lee3
, Eun-A Ko4,*
and Dawon Kang1,2,*
1Department of Physiology, College of Medicine and Institute of Medical Sciences, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 52727, Korea
2Department of Convergence Medical Science, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 52727, Korea
3Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, College of Medicine, Gyeongsang National University Hospital, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 52727, Korea
4Department of Physiology, Colledge of Medicine, Jeju National University, Jeju 63243, Korea
Correspondence to: Eun-A Ko
Dawon Kang
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background: Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha (PDGFRα) is essential for various biological processes, including fetal Leydig cell differentiation. The PDGFRαEGFP mouse model, which expresses an eGFP fusion gene under the native Pdgfrα promoter, serves as a valuable resource for exploring PDGFRα’s expression and function in vivo. This study investigates PDGFRα expression in adult testicular cells using PDGFRαEGFP mouse model.
Methods: Genotyping PCR and gel electrophoresis were used to confirm the zygosity of PDGFRαEGFP mice. Histological examination and fluorescence imaging were used to identify PDGFRα expression within testicular tissue. Immunohistochemical analysis assessed the co-expression of PDGFRα with c-Kit, ANO-1, and TASK-1 in testicular cells.
Results: Genotyping confirmed the heterozygous status of the mice, which is crucial for studies due to the embryonic lethal phenotype observed in homozygotes. Histological and fluorescence imaging revealed that PDGFRα+ cells were primarily located in the interstitial spaces of the testis, specifically within Leydig cells and peritubular myoid cells (PMCs). Immunohistochemical results showed PDGFRα co-localization with c-Kit and ANO-1 in Leydig cells and a complete co-localization with TASK-1 in both Leydig cells and PMCs.
Conclusions: The findings demonstrate specific expression of PDGFRα in Leydig cells and PMCs in adult testicular tissue. The co-expression of PDGFRα with c-Kit, ANO-1, and TASK-1 suggests complex regulatory mechanisms, possibly influencing testicular function and broader physiological processes.
Keywords: leydig cells, myoblasts, platelet-derived growth factor alpha, receptors, testis
Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha (PDGFRα), a member of the receptor tyrosine kinase family, activates key intracellular signaling cascades when stimulated by PDGF ligands. These ligands and their receptors, such as PDGFRα and PDGFRβ, are essential for developmental processes such as proliferation, survival, migration, and differentiation (Hoch and Soriano, 2003). In particular, PDGFA and PDGFRα play significant roles in embryonic development, including vascular patterning, testicular streak formation, sex-specific cell proliferation, endothelial cell migration, and differentiation of fetal Leydig cells (Gnessi et al., 2000; Brennan et al., 2003; Li et al., 2023).
The testes consist of seminiferous tubules and interstitial cells, notably Leydig cells. Seminiferous tubules house germ cells and somatic cells, including Sertoli cells and peritubular myocytes (Fujisawa, 2006). Sertoli and germ cells form the structural basis of the tubules, which are encircled by peritubular myoid cells (PMCs). Leydig cells, along with endothelial cells, macrophages, fibroblasts, and other interstitial cells, reside between the seminiferous tubules. These diverse testicular cells are crucial for male reproductive health, with each cell type playing a specific role while collaboratively maintaining testicular functions (Fujisawa, 2006).
PDGFRα is known to be primarily located in the interstitial mesenchymal cells of the fetal testis, while its ligand, PDGFA, is abundantly expressed and secreted by the Sertoli cells. This PDGFA-PDGFRα interaction facilitates vital physiological functions within the testis, highlighting the coordinated activity between these cells (Gnessi et al., 2000; Brennan et al., 2003; Li et al., 2023). In PDGFRα knockout mice, the number of fetal Leydig cells (FLCs) is reduced, with noticeable abnormalities, and adult Leydig cells (ALCs) fail to differentiate (Gnessi et al., 2000; Brennan et al., 2003; Li et al., 2023). PDGFRα is found in mice and rats’ fetal and postnatal mesenchyme (Gnessi et al., 1995; Gnessi et al., 2000). PMCs initially express PDGFRα in rats, but this expression is lost by day 15 post-birth (Gnessi et al., 1995). A more recent study has also documented the presence of PDGFRα in peritubular and interstitial cells in mice as early as postnatal day 6 (Malolina et al., 2022).
While PDGFRα expression in the fetal testis is well-documented, its patterns in adult testicular cells are less explored. This study aims to examine PDGFRα expression in the adult testis using mice genetically engineered to express PDGFRα with green fluorescence.
Five heterozygous PDGFRαEGFP males (B6.129S4-Pdgfratm11(EGFP)Sor/J mice, Stock No. 007669, aged 6-7 weeks) along with five wild-type (WT) females of the same age were procured from the Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor, ME, USA). The PDGFRαEGFP line expresses an H2B-eGFP fusion gene driven by the native
Genotyping of PDGFRαEGFP mice was conducted using genomic DNA extracted from ear tissue punches at three weeks of age. Genomic DNA extraction and PCR analysis were performed using the PhireTM Tissue Direct PCR Master Mix (Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics UAB, Cat# F-170S, Vilnius, Lithuania). Ear tissue was suspended in 20 µL of dilution buffer containing 0.5 µL of DNA release additive provided in the kit. This mixture underwent a 2-minute incubation at room temperature and a 2-minute incubation at 98℃. Then, 0.5 µL of the prepared genomic DNA was combined with Phire Tissue Direct PCR Master Mix (2X) and specific primers (F, Rw, and Rm). The PCR conditions were as follows: initial denaturation at 98℃ for 5 min, followed by 40 cycles of 98℃ for 5 sec, 60℃ for 5 sec, and 72℃ for 30 sec, concluding with a final extension at 72℃ for 5 min. The PCR products were electrophoresed on a 1.5% (w/v) agarose gel to verify the product size. Images of the DNA fragments were captured directly using the iBrightTM CL1500 Imaging System (Thermo Scientific Fisher/Life Technologies Holdings Pte Ltd., Singapore). Primer sequences are listed in Table 1.
Table 1 . Pdgfratm11(EGFP)Sor/J mice genotyping primer sequences
Gene name | Species | Genotype | Primer sequences (5’–3’) | Application | Expected size (bp) |
Mouse | Wild | F1: CCCTTGTGGTCATGCCAAAC | Genotyping | 451 | |
Mutant | F1: CCCTTGTGGTCATGCCAAAC | Genotyping | 242 | ||
Histological analysis of testicular tissue was conducted using hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining, following the method outlined by Siregar (Siregar et al., 2019). Testicular sections prepared from tissues fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde overnight at 4℃ were sequentially submerged in increasing concentrations of sucrose (10% to 30%). The tissues were then embedded in Tissue-Tek® OCT compound (Sakura Finetek, Torrance, CA, USA) and sectioned at 10 µm thickness using a cryostat. Sections were air-dried on gelatin-coated slides and briefly rinsed with distilled water. The sections were stained with hematoxylin for one minute and then with eosin for five minutes. Subsequently, the sections underwent a graded series of ethanol dehydration (70% to 100% ethanol, three minutes each) and cleared in xylene. The slides were mounted using a permount mounting medium (Fisher Chemical, Geel, Belgium) and examined under an Olympus BX61VS microscope (Tokyo, Japan) to capture images. Consistency was verified by analyzing five different sections from each sample.
Cryostat-prepared tissue sections were permeabilized using 0.2% Triton X-100 for 10 minutes at room temperature. After three washes with PBS, the sections were blocked for 60 min at room temperature using a 1% normal goat serum in 0.1 M PBS. The sections were then incubated overnight at 4℃ with primary antibodies, each diluted 1:100: anti-mouse TMEM16A (ANO1, monoclonal antibody, Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Dallas, TX, USA), Alexa Fluor® 594 anti-mouse CD117 (c-Kit, Biolegend, San Diego, CA, USA), D1E1E XP® rabbit monoclonal antibody against PDGFRα (Cell Signaling Technology, Danvers, MA, USA), and anti-rabbit KCNK3 (TASK-1, polyclonal antibody, Alomone LabsTM, Jerusalem, Israel).
Following primary incubation, the sections were treated with either Alexa FluorTM Plus 488 or Alexa FluorTM Plus 594 anti-rabbit IgG secondary antibodies (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA), both diluted 1:100 in PBS, for 1.5 hours in the dark, interspersed with three PBS washes. Nuclei were then stained with 4’,6’-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). The sections were mounted using Gel/MountTM (Biomeda Corp., Foster City, CA, USA) and analyzed under a confocal laser scanning microscope (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan).
The PDGFRαEGFP mice are genetically engineered to express a histone H2B-enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein (eGFP) fusion gene under the control of the endogenous
In the PDGFRαEGFP mouse model, H&E staining of cryostat sections confirmed typical testicular tissue morphology. Seminiferous tubules were adequately structured, with the expected presence of spermatogenic cells, Sertoli cells, Leydig cells, and PMCs, without any detectable pathological changes (Fig. 2A, n = 3). Fluorescence imaging allowed for the visualization of PDGFRα positive (PDGFRα+) cells marked by eGFP, which were prominently situated in the interstitial spaces of the testis (Fig. 2B, n = 6). Further examination of magnified images revealed the specific localization of PDGFRα cells within PMCs, indicated by red arrows, and Leydig cells, denoted by yellow arrows (Fig. 2C). In the WT mouse testicular tissue, co-localization of α-SMA, indicative of myoid cells, with PDGFRα+ cells identified using their antibodies, was observed as a yellow hue. The colocalized cells appear to be PMCs (red arrow). In addition, PDGFRα immunostaining was apparent in Leydig cells (yellow arrow, Fig. 2D).
Immunohistochemical analysis showed c-Kit expression in PDGFRα+ cells, specifically within Leydig cells and PMCs (Fig. 3A, n = 4). Erythrocytes also exhibited a marked expression of c-Kit, marked by a white arrowhead in Fig. 3A. ANO-1 expression patterns paralleled those of c-Kit, colocalizing with PDGFRα+ cells and showing even stronger expression in erythrocytes compared to PDGFRα levels (Fig. 3B, n = 4). Furthermore, the tandem of pore domains in a weakly inward rectifying K+ channel (TWIK)-related acid-sensitive K+ (TASK)-1 was present in both Leydig cells and PMCs and approximately 80% colocalized with PDGFRα (Fig. 3C, n = 4).
Our investigation into the expression of PDGFRα in testicular tissue of PDGFRαEGFP mice has provided detailed insights into its localization and potential functions. The maintenance of typical testicular morphology, as demonstrated by H&E staining, along with the presence of various cell types critical to spermatogenesis and hormonal regulation, sets the stage for a deeper understanding of PDGFRα’s role in testicular function. The distinct visualization of PDGFRα+ cells in the interstitial spaces, specifically colocalizing PMC and Leydig cells, as highlighted by eGFP expression, points to PDGFRα’s involvement in the testicular microenvironment. PDGFRα+ cells are engineered to express eGFP in the nucleus (Ha et al., 2017). Its co-localization with α-SMA further emphasizes its role in the structural and possibly functional aspects of myoid cells, which are integral to the integrity and contractility of the seminiferous tubules (Kawabe et al., 2022).
PDGFRα exhibits broad expression across mesenchymal tissues, including the testis, and serves distinct roles in various organs (Li et al., 2018). In the mouse testis, Sertoli, PMCs, and Leydig cells are the primary somatic types, distinguished by morphology and specific immunostaining markers. However, such markers are not exclusively specific, including 3βHSD for Leydig cells and α-SMA for PMCs (Aksel et al., 2023). We opted for other Leydig cell markers, such as c-Kit and ANO-1, identified in previous studies (Ko et al., 2022; Woo et al., 2023). PDGFRα is a recognized marker for FLC (Lee et al., 2024), and our findings align with prior research indicating PDGFRα’s presence in Leydig cells and PMCs, but its absence in germ cells, Sertoli cells, and vascular endothelial cells (Zhao et al., 2021). Stem Leydig cells differentiate into testosterone-producing Leydig cells under PDGFAA and luteinizing hormone and transform into PMCs in response to PDGFBB and TGFβ (Zhao et al., 2021), illustrating the effect of the microenvironment on cell differentiation. Given PDGFRα’s activation by various PDGF ligands, it is inferred that the expression of PDGFRα in Leydig cells and PMCs is likely to play a role in response to PDGF signals (Mariani et al., 2002). Our study highlights PDGFRα expression in 11-week-old mouse Leydig cells, which had previously been identified only in FLC, and prompts further investigation of its physiological functions.
In the gastrointestinal system, PDGFRα+ cells have distinct functions from c-Kit+ interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC), forming electrical synapses with ICCs and smooth muscle cells to regulate motility (Kurahashi et al., 2012). However, in the testis, the co-expression of both markers in a single cell may represent an integration of the functions of each protein. The observed c-Kit expression in PDGFRα+ testicular cells indicates that these cells, including Leydig cells and PMCs, might also participate in electroactivity. The co-localization of ANO-1 with PDGFRα+ cells, mirroring the c-Kit expression pattern, points to potential shared signaling and regulatory functions. Their co-localization suggests that the roles of PDGFRα+ cells in the testis could be more complex than in the gastrointestinal tract. These findings require further studies to understand the intricate networks governing testicular cell function and explore novel aspects of Leydig and PMC cell physiology.
The TASK-1 channel, a K+ channel member, is notably expressed in mouse PDGFRα+ cells (Ha et al., 2017). PDGFRα+ cells are known to express the small conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels (SK3), which are implicated in the purinergic neuromodulation of colonic muscle (Kurahashi et al., 2012). While this study did not directly investigate the functional expression of TASK-1 channels, it is plausible that PDGFRα+ cells across various tissues may express different types of channels. Analyzing the electrical properties of PDGFRα+ cells is, therefore, essential. The specific role of TASK-1 channels in Leydig cells and PMCs remains unclear, but they are hypothesized to contribute to sperm motility and hormone secretion by facilitating electrical changes, potentially in conjunction with ANO-1.
Further studies are needed to elucidate these roles. The co-expression of ANO-1 and TASK-1 with PDGFRα in Leydig cells and PMCs suggests a complex regulatory network influenced by these channels. These ion channels may play significant roles in cellular signaling and ionic homeostasis within the testis.
In conclusion, we demonstrate that PDGFRα is expressed in Leydig cells and PMCs within adult mouse testes. The observed expression pattern of PDGFRα offers valuable insights into its role in facilitating cell-cell interactions and signal transduction within the testicular environment. In particular, the co-localization of PDGFRα with c-Kit, ANO-1, and TASK-1 indicates that PDGFRα+ cells may be involved in regulating intracellular calcium signaling and ionic homeostasis.
Conceptualization, E-A.K. and D.K.; data curation, M-S.W. and D.K.; formal analysis, M-S.W. and D.K.; funding acquisition, E-A.K. and D.K.; investigation, M-S.W. and D.K.; methodology, M-S.W., D-K.L. and D.K.; project administration, E-J.K.; supervision, C.E.L., E-A.K. and D.K.; validation, D.K.; visualization, M-S.W. and D.K.; writing - original draft, D.K.; writing - review & editing, E-A.K. and D.K.
This study was supported by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (2021R1I1A3044128 to Dawon Kang and 2022R1F1A1062897 to Eun-A Ko).
All animal experiments were conducted in compliance with the ethical standards set by the Gyeongsang National University Animal Care and Use Committee, under the approved protocols GNU-200702-M0041 for WT mice and GNU-230927-M0184 for PDGFRαEGFP mice.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
Journal of Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology 2024; 39(2): 81-87
Published online June 30, 2024
Copyright © The Korean Society of Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology.
Min Seok Woo1 , Eun-Jin Kim1
, Dong Kun Lee1,2
, Chung Eun Lee3
, Eun-A Ko4,*
and Dawon Kang1,2,*
1Department of Physiology, College of Medicine and Institute of Medical Sciences, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 52727, Korea
2Department of Convergence Medical Science, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 52727, Korea
3Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, College of Medicine, Gyeongsang National University Hospital, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 52727, Korea
4Department of Physiology, Colledge of Medicine, Jeju National University, Jeju 63243, Korea
Correspondence to:Eun-A Ko
Dawon Kang
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background: Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha (PDGFRα) is essential for various biological processes, including fetal Leydig cell differentiation. The PDGFRαEGFP mouse model, which expresses an eGFP fusion gene under the native Pdgfrα promoter, serves as a valuable resource for exploring PDGFRα’s expression and function in vivo. This study investigates PDGFRα expression in adult testicular cells using PDGFRαEGFP mouse model.
Methods: Genotyping PCR and gel electrophoresis were used to confirm the zygosity of PDGFRαEGFP mice. Histological examination and fluorescence imaging were used to identify PDGFRα expression within testicular tissue. Immunohistochemical analysis assessed the co-expression of PDGFRα with c-Kit, ANO-1, and TASK-1 in testicular cells.
Results: Genotyping confirmed the heterozygous status of the mice, which is crucial for studies due to the embryonic lethal phenotype observed in homozygotes. Histological and fluorescence imaging revealed that PDGFRα+ cells were primarily located in the interstitial spaces of the testis, specifically within Leydig cells and peritubular myoid cells (PMCs). Immunohistochemical results showed PDGFRα co-localization with c-Kit and ANO-1 in Leydig cells and a complete co-localization with TASK-1 in both Leydig cells and PMCs.
Conclusions: The findings demonstrate specific expression of PDGFRα in Leydig cells and PMCs in adult testicular tissue. The co-expression of PDGFRα with c-Kit, ANO-1, and TASK-1 suggests complex regulatory mechanisms, possibly influencing testicular function and broader physiological processes.
Keywords: leydig cells, myoblasts, platelet-derived growth factor alpha, receptors, testis
Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha (PDGFRα), a member of the receptor tyrosine kinase family, activates key intracellular signaling cascades when stimulated by PDGF ligands. These ligands and their receptors, such as PDGFRα and PDGFRβ, are essential for developmental processes such as proliferation, survival, migration, and differentiation (Hoch and Soriano, 2003). In particular, PDGFA and PDGFRα play significant roles in embryonic development, including vascular patterning, testicular streak formation, sex-specific cell proliferation, endothelial cell migration, and differentiation of fetal Leydig cells (Gnessi et al., 2000; Brennan et al., 2003; Li et al., 2023).
The testes consist of seminiferous tubules and interstitial cells, notably Leydig cells. Seminiferous tubules house germ cells and somatic cells, including Sertoli cells and peritubular myocytes (Fujisawa, 2006). Sertoli and germ cells form the structural basis of the tubules, which are encircled by peritubular myoid cells (PMCs). Leydig cells, along with endothelial cells, macrophages, fibroblasts, and other interstitial cells, reside between the seminiferous tubules. These diverse testicular cells are crucial for male reproductive health, with each cell type playing a specific role while collaboratively maintaining testicular functions (Fujisawa, 2006).
PDGFRα is known to be primarily located in the interstitial mesenchymal cells of the fetal testis, while its ligand, PDGFA, is abundantly expressed and secreted by the Sertoli cells. This PDGFA-PDGFRα interaction facilitates vital physiological functions within the testis, highlighting the coordinated activity between these cells (Gnessi et al., 2000; Brennan et al., 2003; Li et al., 2023). In PDGFRα knockout mice, the number of fetal Leydig cells (FLCs) is reduced, with noticeable abnormalities, and adult Leydig cells (ALCs) fail to differentiate (Gnessi et al., 2000; Brennan et al., 2003; Li et al., 2023). PDGFRα is found in mice and rats’ fetal and postnatal mesenchyme (Gnessi et al., 1995; Gnessi et al., 2000). PMCs initially express PDGFRα in rats, but this expression is lost by day 15 post-birth (Gnessi et al., 1995). A more recent study has also documented the presence of PDGFRα in peritubular and interstitial cells in mice as early as postnatal day 6 (Malolina et al., 2022).
While PDGFRα expression in the fetal testis is well-documented, its patterns in adult testicular cells are less explored. This study aims to examine PDGFRα expression in the adult testis using mice genetically engineered to express PDGFRα with green fluorescence.
Five heterozygous PDGFRαEGFP males (B6.129S4-Pdgfratm11(EGFP)Sor/J mice, Stock No. 007669, aged 6-7 weeks) along with five wild-type (WT) females of the same age were procured from the Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor, ME, USA). The PDGFRαEGFP line expresses an H2B-eGFP fusion gene driven by the native
Genotyping of PDGFRαEGFP mice was conducted using genomic DNA extracted from ear tissue punches at three weeks of age. Genomic DNA extraction and PCR analysis were performed using the PhireTM Tissue Direct PCR Master Mix (Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics UAB, Cat# F-170S, Vilnius, Lithuania). Ear tissue was suspended in 20 µL of dilution buffer containing 0.5 µL of DNA release additive provided in the kit. This mixture underwent a 2-minute incubation at room temperature and a 2-minute incubation at 98℃. Then, 0.5 µL of the prepared genomic DNA was combined with Phire Tissue Direct PCR Master Mix (2X) and specific primers (F, Rw, and Rm). The PCR conditions were as follows: initial denaturation at 98℃ for 5 min, followed by 40 cycles of 98℃ for 5 sec, 60℃ for 5 sec, and 72℃ for 30 sec, concluding with a final extension at 72℃ for 5 min. The PCR products were electrophoresed on a 1.5% (w/v) agarose gel to verify the product size. Images of the DNA fragments were captured directly using the iBrightTM CL1500 Imaging System (Thermo Scientific Fisher/Life Technologies Holdings Pte Ltd., Singapore). Primer sequences are listed in Table 1.
Table 1. Pdgfratm11(EGFP)Sor/J mice genotyping primer sequences.
Gene name | Species | Genotype | Primer sequences (5’–3’) | Application | Expected size (bp) |
Mouse | Wild | F1: CCCTTGTGGTCATGCCAAAC | Genotyping | 451 | |
Mutant | F1: CCCTTGTGGTCATGCCAAAC | Genotyping | 242 | ||
Histological analysis of testicular tissue was conducted using hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining, following the method outlined by Siregar (Siregar et al., 2019). Testicular sections prepared from tissues fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde overnight at 4℃ were sequentially submerged in increasing concentrations of sucrose (10% to 30%). The tissues were then embedded in Tissue-Tek® OCT compound (Sakura Finetek, Torrance, CA, USA) and sectioned at 10 µm thickness using a cryostat. Sections were air-dried on gelatin-coated slides and briefly rinsed with distilled water. The sections were stained with hematoxylin for one minute and then with eosin for five minutes. Subsequently, the sections underwent a graded series of ethanol dehydration (70% to 100% ethanol, three minutes each) and cleared in xylene. The slides were mounted using a permount mounting medium (Fisher Chemical, Geel, Belgium) and examined under an Olympus BX61VS microscope (Tokyo, Japan) to capture images. Consistency was verified by analyzing five different sections from each sample.
Cryostat-prepared tissue sections were permeabilized using 0.2% Triton X-100 for 10 minutes at room temperature. After three washes with PBS, the sections were blocked for 60 min at room temperature using a 1% normal goat serum in 0.1 M PBS. The sections were then incubated overnight at 4℃ with primary antibodies, each diluted 1:100: anti-mouse TMEM16A (ANO1, monoclonal antibody, Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Dallas, TX, USA), Alexa Fluor® 594 anti-mouse CD117 (c-Kit, Biolegend, San Diego, CA, USA), D1E1E XP® rabbit monoclonal antibody against PDGFRα (Cell Signaling Technology, Danvers, MA, USA), and anti-rabbit KCNK3 (TASK-1, polyclonal antibody, Alomone LabsTM, Jerusalem, Israel).
Following primary incubation, the sections were treated with either Alexa FluorTM Plus 488 or Alexa FluorTM Plus 594 anti-rabbit IgG secondary antibodies (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA), both diluted 1:100 in PBS, for 1.5 hours in the dark, interspersed with three PBS washes. Nuclei were then stained with 4’,6’-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). The sections were mounted using Gel/MountTM (Biomeda Corp., Foster City, CA, USA) and analyzed under a confocal laser scanning microscope (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan).
The PDGFRαEGFP mice are genetically engineered to express a histone H2B-enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein (eGFP) fusion gene under the control of the endogenous
In the PDGFRαEGFP mouse model, H&E staining of cryostat sections confirmed typical testicular tissue morphology. Seminiferous tubules were adequately structured, with the expected presence of spermatogenic cells, Sertoli cells, Leydig cells, and PMCs, without any detectable pathological changes (Fig. 2A, n = 3). Fluorescence imaging allowed for the visualization of PDGFRα positive (PDGFRα+) cells marked by eGFP, which were prominently situated in the interstitial spaces of the testis (Fig. 2B, n = 6). Further examination of magnified images revealed the specific localization of PDGFRα cells within PMCs, indicated by red arrows, and Leydig cells, denoted by yellow arrows (Fig. 2C). In the WT mouse testicular tissue, co-localization of α-SMA, indicative of myoid cells, with PDGFRα+ cells identified using their antibodies, was observed as a yellow hue. The colocalized cells appear to be PMCs (red arrow). In addition, PDGFRα immunostaining was apparent in Leydig cells (yellow arrow, Fig. 2D).
Immunohistochemical analysis showed c-Kit expression in PDGFRα+ cells, specifically within Leydig cells and PMCs (Fig. 3A, n = 4). Erythrocytes also exhibited a marked expression of c-Kit, marked by a white arrowhead in Fig. 3A. ANO-1 expression patterns paralleled those of c-Kit, colocalizing with PDGFRα+ cells and showing even stronger expression in erythrocytes compared to PDGFRα levels (Fig. 3B, n = 4). Furthermore, the tandem of pore domains in a weakly inward rectifying K+ channel (TWIK)-related acid-sensitive K+ (TASK)-1 was present in both Leydig cells and PMCs and approximately 80% colocalized with PDGFRα (Fig. 3C, n = 4).
Our investigation into the expression of PDGFRα in testicular tissue of PDGFRαEGFP mice has provided detailed insights into its localization and potential functions. The maintenance of typical testicular morphology, as demonstrated by H&E staining, along with the presence of various cell types critical to spermatogenesis and hormonal regulation, sets the stage for a deeper understanding of PDGFRα’s role in testicular function. The distinct visualization of PDGFRα+ cells in the interstitial spaces, specifically colocalizing PMC and Leydig cells, as highlighted by eGFP expression, points to PDGFRα’s involvement in the testicular microenvironment. PDGFRα+ cells are engineered to express eGFP in the nucleus (Ha et al., 2017). Its co-localization with α-SMA further emphasizes its role in the structural and possibly functional aspects of myoid cells, which are integral to the integrity and contractility of the seminiferous tubules (Kawabe et al., 2022).
PDGFRα exhibits broad expression across mesenchymal tissues, including the testis, and serves distinct roles in various organs (Li et al., 2018). In the mouse testis, Sertoli, PMCs, and Leydig cells are the primary somatic types, distinguished by morphology and specific immunostaining markers. However, such markers are not exclusively specific, including 3βHSD for Leydig cells and α-SMA for PMCs (Aksel et al., 2023). We opted for other Leydig cell markers, such as c-Kit and ANO-1, identified in previous studies (Ko et al., 2022; Woo et al., 2023). PDGFRα is a recognized marker for FLC (Lee et al., 2024), and our findings align with prior research indicating PDGFRα’s presence in Leydig cells and PMCs, but its absence in germ cells, Sertoli cells, and vascular endothelial cells (Zhao et al., 2021). Stem Leydig cells differentiate into testosterone-producing Leydig cells under PDGFAA and luteinizing hormone and transform into PMCs in response to PDGFBB and TGFβ (Zhao et al., 2021), illustrating the effect of the microenvironment on cell differentiation. Given PDGFRα’s activation by various PDGF ligands, it is inferred that the expression of PDGFRα in Leydig cells and PMCs is likely to play a role in response to PDGF signals (Mariani et al., 2002). Our study highlights PDGFRα expression in 11-week-old mouse Leydig cells, which had previously been identified only in FLC, and prompts further investigation of its physiological functions.
In the gastrointestinal system, PDGFRα+ cells have distinct functions from c-Kit+ interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC), forming electrical synapses with ICCs and smooth muscle cells to regulate motility (Kurahashi et al., 2012). However, in the testis, the co-expression of both markers in a single cell may represent an integration of the functions of each protein. The observed c-Kit expression in PDGFRα+ testicular cells indicates that these cells, including Leydig cells and PMCs, might also participate in electroactivity. The co-localization of ANO-1 with PDGFRα+ cells, mirroring the c-Kit expression pattern, points to potential shared signaling and regulatory functions. Their co-localization suggests that the roles of PDGFRα+ cells in the testis could be more complex than in the gastrointestinal tract. These findings require further studies to understand the intricate networks governing testicular cell function and explore novel aspects of Leydig and PMC cell physiology.
The TASK-1 channel, a K+ channel member, is notably expressed in mouse PDGFRα+ cells (Ha et al., 2017). PDGFRα+ cells are known to express the small conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels (SK3), which are implicated in the purinergic neuromodulation of colonic muscle (Kurahashi et al., 2012). While this study did not directly investigate the functional expression of TASK-1 channels, it is plausible that PDGFRα+ cells across various tissues may express different types of channels. Analyzing the electrical properties of PDGFRα+ cells is, therefore, essential. The specific role of TASK-1 channels in Leydig cells and PMCs remains unclear, but they are hypothesized to contribute to sperm motility and hormone secretion by facilitating electrical changes, potentially in conjunction with ANO-1.
Further studies are needed to elucidate these roles. The co-expression of ANO-1 and TASK-1 with PDGFRα in Leydig cells and PMCs suggests a complex regulatory network influenced by these channels. These ion channels may play significant roles in cellular signaling and ionic homeostasis within the testis.
In conclusion, we demonstrate that PDGFRα is expressed in Leydig cells and PMCs within adult mouse testes. The observed expression pattern of PDGFRα offers valuable insights into its role in facilitating cell-cell interactions and signal transduction within the testicular environment. In particular, the co-localization of PDGFRα with c-Kit, ANO-1, and TASK-1 indicates that PDGFRα+ cells may be involved in regulating intracellular calcium signaling and ionic homeostasis.
Conceptualization, E-A.K. and D.K.; data curation, M-S.W. and D.K.; formal analysis, M-S.W. and D.K.; funding acquisition, E-A.K. and D.K.; investigation, M-S.W. and D.K.; methodology, M-S.W., D-K.L. and D.K.; project administration, E-J.K.; supervision, C.E.L., E-A.K. and D.K.; validation, D.K.; visualization, M-S.W. and D.K.; writing - original draft, D.K.; writing - review & editing, E-A.K. and D.K.
This study was supported by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (2021R1I1A3044128 to Dawon Kang and 2022R1F1A1062897 to Eun-A Ko).
All animal experiments were conducted in compliance with the ethical standards set by the Gyeongsang National University Animal Care and Use Committee, under the approved protocols GNU-200702-M0041 for WT mice and GNU-230927-M0184 for PDGFRαEGFP mice.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
Table 1 . Pdgfratm11(EGFP)Sor/J mice genotyping primer sequences.
Gene name | Species | Genotype | Primer sequences (5’–3’) | Application | Expected size (bp) |
Mouse | Wild | F1: CCCTTGTGGTCATGCCAAAC | Genotyping | 451 | |
Mutant | F1: CCCTTGTGGTCATGCCAAAC | Genotyping | 242 | ||
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pISSN: 2671-4639
eISSN: 2671-4663